Door and Operator Repairs:
Broken Springs
Safety Sensors
Damaged Sections
Stripped Gears
Commercial and Residential
Routine Service:
Annual Safety Inspections
Code Compliance
Lube and Balance
Service Contracts
Servicing all Brands
Free Estimates
on New Doors:
Unique door builder software allows you to custom tailor your door and pricing.
Wide Selection

When it comes to choosing the right company for any home repair, you have a lot of options. Here are some important factors that you should consider, that may help you to make the right choice...
Parts - In this industry there is a wide selection of parts to choose from. The quality of those products influences the cost to the businesses that use them, and ultimately the bottom line on your repair or upgrade. For example; if you're considering a torsion spring replacement, are you aware that each spring has a "cycle rating" that is designed to represent the expected longevity of the spring under tension? The minimum requirement is a 10,000 cycle spring, and the cost of that spring is going to be considerably lower than a "high cycle" torsion spring. At Dudley Door, most of our torsion springs are rated from 30,000 to 50,000 cycles. That's just one example, but the list goes on and on. Each and every part on your garage door is designed to work for a certain amount of time, under certain tolerances. As a business owner, I have the option to purchase my parts based on quality vs. expense. I believe that in the long run, I get the most for my money when I buy the highest quality parts available, so that I can stand by the work that I do with confidence, and build a reputation on that higher standard.
Dudley Door may not be the lowest price you can find for every repair. But I guarantee you that you will not find a better price for the level of service that we provide. And you can rest assured, that anything you have purchased through my company is of the finest quality available.
Service - Unfortunately in the service industry, there's a lot of room for disappointment. When you expect something to be done a certain way, there are a thousand chances that what you end up with, can fall short of those expectations. I've been in this business for a long time, and I've seen both ends of the spectrum. There are lots of companies out there today that will try to get your attention with expensive advertisements, gimmicks, and unrealistic guarantees that they can't live up to. But here at Dudley Door we like to keep things very simple - "We say what we do, and we do what we say". No need for dramatic presentations or haggling, no pressure and no nonsense. Upon our timely arrival, your doors and operators will be thoroughly inspected, and you will be given an educated appraisal of the situation, along with our professional recommendation for your unique situation. All prices will be given up-front and in writing, before any work is performed, with no add-ons or hidden charges.
Experience - Parts and service are very important, but ultimately the quality of the work performed, is going to come down to experience. Let me be very clear about this: "You will not find anyone who knows more about home garage door repair than I do". It's just that simple. I grew up riding along with garage door technicians. I've worked in the industry since 1997. I have over 25 years of hands on experience in the field. And I'm now celebrating my 11th year, owning and operating my own company. I am a professional and a master craftsman, I take pride in the work I do and I don't cut corners.
If these things matter to you as much as they do to us here at Dudley Door, then please consider us for all you garage door and operator needs. I look forward to serving you!
- Marshal Dudley, Owner/Operator

Looking for a NEW garage door? Click the link below to access our Door Designer software; where you can pick and choose from our wide selection of doors. Here you can mix and match panel design, color, and window options. You can even upload a photo of your home, to see how your new door will look after it's installed.
A price quote will be emailed back to you within 24-hours.

Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Sat 11am-4pm
Dudley Door is a Licensed and Insured Corporation. All logos and imagery contained herein are Copyright Protected. 2017